#76 — February 23, 2018 |
react status |
Developers seem to be getting increasingly interested in podcasts recently, and the folks behind React Training have just launched a new show, The React Podcast with two episodes ready to enjoy. We've also heard that DevChat.tv, the folks behind JavaScript Jabber, are working on a new panel-based React show called React Round Up and we'll link to that too when it launches :-) — Peter Cooper, editor |
Bringing Together React, D3, and Their Ecosystem — D3.js is a de facto standard for building complex data visualizations on the Web and while bringing it together with React can be challenging, there are many ways to do it successfully. Marcos Iglesias |
The Future of State in React — Juwan Wheatley demonstrates how React’s Context API will be the “go-to solution for sharing state simply” while creating a theme-switching component. Juwan Wheatley |
![]() Improve Your Engineering Team’s Velocity With These 3 Metrics — If your business depends on software (it does) you're probably spending a lot of time thinking about DevOps. CircleCI sponsor |
React Native Being Relicensed Under MIT License — This change will bring React Native into line with regular React. Facebook’s Fresco image library for Android, Yoga layout engine, and Metro bundler will also be included. React on Twitter |
A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client to Learn From — An app that provides an opportunity to learn about bringing together multiple technologies in a single codebase. Robin Wieruch |
Protected Routes and Authentication with React and Node — Discover how to add a basic authentication flow to a Create React App app. Cyril Lopez |
How Algolia Built Their Frontend Search Widgets with React — ..by following Redux principles. Robert Pankowecki |
Building a Simple To Do Web App with Stitch, React, and MongoDB mongodb sponsor |
🎬 Videos, Screencasts and Talks |
Testing React with Enzyme and Jest: A Video Series — First five episodes are free. Jack Franklin |
Adding the Storybook Style Guide to a Create React App Elijah Manor |
React Jobs |
Want to Work with Engineers Who Read React Status? — We're hiring our 5th engineer in Chicago to help build our platform of automation based sales tools. We use React, Redux & Rails. Detective.io |
Product Engineer — We're looking for a front-end-focused engineer who cares about product design, UX and collaboration to join an exceptional team. Quip |
📱 React Native |
How to Apply UI Test Automation in React Native Apps Polidea |
Building a Location Sharing App with React Native and Pusher Wern Ancheta |
React Native Paper: Material Design for React Native Callstack |
🔧 Code and Tools |
React App SDK: Create-React-App with Server-Side Code Support — An extension for Create React App that makes it easier to build REST or GraphQL APIs, do server-side rendering, etc. Kriasoft |
Real-Time Error Monitoring, Alerting, and Analytics for React 🚀 ROLLBAR sponsor |
React Hot Loader 4.0-rc0: Tweak React Components in Real Time Dan Abramov |
react-lazyload-fadein: A Component to Lazy-Load Children with a Fade-In Effect Swizec Teller |
Undux: Very Simple State Management for React Boris Cherny |