#​389 — June 19, 2024

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React 19 and Suspense: A Drama in Three Acts — It’s not a good sign when what at first appears to be a bug is actually intended and prescribed behavior. A cautionary tale, but one with a happy ending.

Dominik Dorfmeister (AKA TkDodo)

💡 Henrique Yuji has a writeup on the same matter in How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower which provoked a very extensive discussion on Hacker News. This pull request from 2023 further covers what led to the change.

Tracing Workshop: Frontend Issues with Backend Solutions — As Developers, we often hear complaints like, “This page is taking too long to load. It’s a front-end issue. Fix it.” But what if the problem isn’t on the front end? How do you trace issues through your stack? Join us for a live discussion on June 20.

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How to Use Google Sheets as a 'Database' with React — The most compelling reason to use this approach? The ability to make your app’s data available to both technical and non-technical people by simply sharing a Google Sheet they likely already know how to use.

Paul Scanlon


  • 📅 React Rally is back for 2024, taking place in Park City, Utah on August 12-14. The speaker line up looks great!

  • 🇲🇦 React Africa is the first international React conference taking place in Africa this November, both in person in Casablanca, Morocco and online. The first round of speakers will be announced tomorrow.

  • ⚽ The 2024 UEFA European Football Championship (a.k.a. 'the Euros') is on and Jonny Burger has recreated its TV graphics in React using Remotion. Tweet with video or the code.

  • Vercel has introduced v3.2 of the Vercel AI SDK.

Relay 17: The Data-Driven React App Framework — Like React, Relay comes from Facebook and is used in many of their systems that consume data over GraphQL. The React Conf 2021 talk ▶️ Re-introducing Relay can bring you up to speed with the main concepts.

Meta / Facebook

Bridging React Native and Rust via JSI — A detailed look at how a team approached building a React Native SDK that could bridge with core logic written in Rust.

Teodor Ciuraru

📄 Mobx Memoizes Components (You Don't Need React Compiler..) – If you’re using Mobx, that is. Mike Johnson

📄 Creating a React Form with a Loading / Pending State Robin Wieruch

📄 Four New React 19 Hooks Explained with Examples Kunal Nalawade

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

React Tag Autocomplete 7.3 — A flexible, accessible tagging component that makes it easy to guide users in the right direction when choosing tags. There’s a live demo so you can see it in action.

Matt Hinchliffe

Reassure 1.0: Perf Testing Companion for React and React Native — Automate React app performance regression testing in CI or on a local machine. The rendering characteristics and metrics of numerous runs of app scenarios get compared against a known stable version for your analysis.


📰 Classifieds

❤️ #1 Rated Headless React CMS. Build a full website, blog, app backend, marketplace or portal with our API. Get up & running in 2 min →

Your fastest path to production. With Render, you can build, deploy, and scale your apps with unparalleled ease – from your first user to your billionth.

🗝️ Userfront is an auth & identity platform that transforms your business to serve free, freemium and enterprise customers. Try it for free.

NLUX: A Library for Rendering Conversational AI Experiences — If you want to spin up a ChatGPT-style conversational experience on top of your services or third party AI backends, this provides the pieces you need to get the interface working quickly. GitHub repo.

Salmen Hichri

react-signature-pad-wrapper: A Wrapper for Signature Pad — If you want to offer the ability for users to sign things by hand (pointer?) in your apps, here’s the control for you. Demo.

Michael Dzjaparidze

React Native Background Actions v4.0 — A background service library for running background tasks forever (or until the heat death of the universe at least) on Android and iOS.


⚙︎ Yet Another React Lightbox – Add a lightbox component to your projects quickly. Igor Danchenko

⚙︎ React Native Magic Modal – Simplify your modal management in React Native. Gabriel Taveira