#​297 — July 13, 2022

Read on the Web

React Status

Awesome React Components: A Curated List of, Perhaps Unsurprisingly, Components — A thorough (and frequently updated) compilation of just over 500 components in all sorts of categories from rich text editors and menus to trees and the perennial date picker.

200+ Contributors

Yelp's Migration from Styleguidist to Storybook — Yelp has used React Styleguidist as its React component development environment so far, but has found transitioning to Storybook to offer a faster and better rounded experience. They explain the hows and whys here.

Vaidya and Pan (Yelp)

Updated: Complete React Learning Path — Frontend Masters flagship React courses have been released! Take all our React courses in order, from the new Complete Intro to React v7 and Intermediate React v4 courses, to TypeScript and beyond!

Frontend Masters sponsor

▶  Let's Code Tetris with Rust, WASM, and React — One of the more offbeat React screencasts you’ll see, but an interesting example of building an entire frontend React app using Rust.


Quick bits:

Applying SOLID Principles in React — The so-called SOLID object oriented design principles have stood the test of time—they were first introduced by Robert Martin in 2000. Although much has changed since, they are still valid and can be valuable when applied in React applications.

Konstantin Lebedev

The Tale of Refactoring a 2700 Line React Component — Part (quite opinionated) tutorial and part story focusing on reducing and rationalizing existing code rather than creating more.

Mohammad Faisal (The Pieces Blog)

▶  React and Hotwire Together: The Best of Both Worlds — One for the Rubyists among you.
Cezar Halmagean (Mix & Go)


Find React Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.

🛠 Code and Tools

An Extension to 'Copy' UI Components from Sites? — We recently linked to Aspect, a new tool for building React components visually, and the same developer is now back with a Chrome browser extension for copying markup and styling of individual components from Web sites. Like with any sort of ‘view source’ situation, use such things responsibly and with care.


React Render Tracker: Discover Performance Issues Around Unintended Re-renders — A tool that presents the differences in component tree state over time so you can investigate what’s going on a little better.

Roman Dvornov

Unlock Completely Free Access to Stream's Chat & Activity Feed APIs

Stream sponsor

PrimeReact 8.2: 80+ Components, 280+ UI Blocks, 200+ Icons, and More — A big release for one of the most thorough component libraries. Full changelog.


Big Calendar 1.4: A GCal/Outlook-like Calendar React Component — Uses flexbox for improved responsiveness.

Jason Quense


Tabulator 5.3 – Interactive tables and data grids.
Redwood 2.1 – Full stack React + GraphQL framework.
React Hot Toast 2.3 – Customizable notifications feature.
rc-tooltip 5.2 – Tooltips for React.
react-admin 4.2.2 – Framework for building B2B frontend interfaces.
React Shepherd 4.1 – Wrapper for the Shepherd 'guided tour' library.