#221 — January 13, 2021

Read on the Web

React Status
Your weekly React news digest, every Wednesday

React's Creator Walks Away From Facebook — You may not be familiar with his name but React’s original creator, Jordan Walke, has left Facebook. This comes after ten years with the company where he put an indelible stamp on both React and Reason. In announcing his departure he simply said he is “starting a new company” but also goes to say that he will also be investing in startups in the React/Reason ecosystems which is great.

Jordan Walke

A Better React/Rails Architecture — We are always interested in getting a glimpse inside ‘name brand’ B2C organizations, and in this article a couple of members of the Styling team at Stitch Fix write in detail about their internal architecture and in particular its confluence with Rails.

Claire Niederberger and Matthew McMillion

⭐️ Professional JavaScript Learning Path — From JavaScript foundations, all the way to Hardcore Functional JavaScript, find out how far you can go with your JavaScript abilities in this comprehensive learning path.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Intro to React Server Side Rendering — In issue 220 we featured extensive coverage of the brand new React Server Components which are currently in development. However, they do not replace SSR but rather they complement it. Given SSR is going to be part of the development landscape for some time, this is what you need to know to get started.

Suhan Wijaya

Valtio: Makes Proxy State Simple for React (and Vanilla) — It seems not a week goes by where there isn’t something new for state management. This week it’s Valtio: it has been described as “the most minimal proxy state possible” or if you prefer “like MobX but without 99% of the API surface”. That got our attention.


date-range-picker: Flexible React Date Range Picker Calendar with No Dependencies — Straighforward. Flexible. There’s some live examples to try.

Almog Tavor

📘 Tutorials and Stories

How to Use useCallback to Write Better React Code — While React has the reputation of being pretty fast already, there are still situations where components begin to feel clunky. If that’s the case, you may want to employ useCallback to prevent them from being needlessly recreated during render.

Caelin Sutch

Minimal React: Getting Started with the Frontend Library — JavaScript's esteemed Dr. Axel explains how to get started with React while using as few libraries as possible, including his own state management approach. This dates from 2020 but we didn't cover it at the time.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

▶  Building Minecraft in One Hour — With its remarkable track record of being the most popular video game ever (at 200 millions copies sold), it’s hard not to wish you’d spent the hour to write such a thing yourself. Now you can. With the help of Three.js, at least.

Daniel Bark

Join TJ VanToll & Carl Bergenhem for the Live Kendo UI Release Webinar

Progress KendoReact sponsor

▶  Ignite Flame: The Most Popular React Native Boilerplate — To make the best of your commute (remember those?) you can learn about Ignite Flame in this episode of React Native Radio. If you would prefer to simply read about it, Jamon has a blog post for that.

Jamon Holmgren and Harris Robin Kalash podcast

Refactoring a Redux App to use Recoil — Get hands-on with Facebook’s Recoil library by refactoring a Redux app and comparing their differences in implementation. Another item from 2020 we didn't get to include at the time.

Ohans Emmanuel

Seven React Native Packages to Know in 2021 — A basic yet fairly complete library which implements features many mobile app users have come to expect in their user experience.


How Redux Reducers Work
Fortune Ikechi

🛠 Code and Tools

supported by Okta

React D3 Tree 2.0: Compelling, Interactive Representation of HierarchiesD3’s tree functionality is the starting point for a React component to represent hiearchical information. There’s a great demo which illustrates its capabilities.

Ben Kremer

React Figma: Now You Can Render React ComponentsFigma, the design collaboration platform, increments its coverage by enabling React components to be a source for its designs.

React Figma

DraftJS Plugins: Extending the Popular Text Editor Framework — A robust team of developers have developed a rich library of plugins that add popularly requested capabilities to Draft.js.


Frontity is React for WordPress — Build amazing WordPress websites with React easily, without worrying about tooling and configuration. Learn more.

Frontity sponsor

Top Libraries for Iframes in ReactIframes have been with us almost from the very beginning of the web and they’re still in common use today with no sign of going anywhere soon. These four libraries will help make the best of them with React.

Ashan Fernando

OpenMTP: Android File Transfer for macOS“[A] smooth and hassle-free file transfer process from macOS to Android/MTP devices”.

Ganesh Rathinavel

Glaze: CSS-in-JS Microlibrary for Making Design Systems Approachable with React — Another CSS-in-JS option, this one features utility-first CSS, constraint-based layouts, and a near-zero runtime.

Kristóf Poduszló

Markdown Editor 2.1: A Simple, React-Powered Markdown Editor with Preview

⚡️ Quick Bits:

Helpful libraries which you may have missed in the past. Or that we did.

💻 Jobs

Find Your Next Job Through Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
