#135 — April 24, 2019

Read on the Web

React Status
Your weekly React news digest, every Wednesday

React95: Windows 95-Style UI Components for React — Sure, it’s just a bit of fun, but that’s what keeps React healthy :-) Plus, the Windows 95 era UI continues to be held up as one of Windows’ finest moments.

Artur Bień

Create React App 3.0 Released — The popular tool to set up a modern React app in a single command takes some key steps forward with support for Jest 24, hooks, TypeScript linting, and more.


A Comprehensive GraphQL Course for React Developers — In this step-by-step course you will learn about GraphQL, and integrating GraphQL APIs into a React application with auth. Build a realtime app and use GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions, variables and learn to work with a cache.

Hasura sponsor

Application State Management with React — React is all you need to manage your application state says Kent C Dodds, while simultaneously acknowledging “If you want to use Redux, keep using Redux.” It’s good to have options and Kent does a good job of showing off his approach here.

Kent C Dodds

React.js Boilerplate 4.0 — If you want a boilerplate app packed with features and focused on performance and best practices, this is the gold standard. 4.0, of course, adds support for hooks as well as using React.lazy and Suspense for component lazy loading.

Max Stoiber and Contributors

React Rally 2019 Tickets On Sale Later Today — React Rally is a two day React conference taking place in Salt Lake City in August. People seem to be very excited about it on Twitter and some tickets will be dropping at 12pm today Mountain Time (so in a few hours from now).

Team Tito

💻 Jobs

Senior React Developer (Remote) — Our hardware/software product uses machine learning/AI to help DSLR/mirrorless users get better photos.


Have You Tried Vettery? — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


📘 Tutorials

The Circle of a React Lifecycle — A walk through a React component’s ‘circle of life’ as it progresses through various stages such as mounting, updating, and unmounting.

Kingsley Silas

Deploy Your Favorite Dev Tools with 1-Click Apps on DigitalOcean — Improve devops workflows and self-host Docker, Grafana, GitLab, OpenFaaS and more in just one click.

DigitalOcean sponsor

A Deeper Dive Into useContext and useReducer — The repository of deeper, more detailed articles about hooks continues with this practical view of where and why to consider hooks for state management.

Austin Johnston

▶  Design Systems and React — Diana Mounter, Design Operations Manager at GitHub, shares her experiences and challenges evolving GitHub’s Design System and their adoption of React.


🔧 Code and Tools

react-circular-progressbar: A Circular Progress IndicatorDemo here.

Kevin Qi

React-DotDotDot: Cross-Browser, Multi-Line Text Ellipses — You know when text breaks off half way through and…

Cezary Nowak

ReactSizes: A HOC to Transform Window Dimensions into Props

Renato Ribeiro

Get the Fastest Website Deployments. Get Started Free

Buddy sponsor

React Mentions: To @mention People in a Textarea Field — Use this to replicate the Facebook/Twitter-style mentioning effect within text fields. Live demos here.

Signavio GmbH

react-jsonschema-form: A React Component for Building Forms from a JSON Schema

Mozilla Services

react-stripe-elements: Components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements — If you’re using Stripe in your checkout process, version 3 has just dropped and improves integrating with Stripe’s new Payment Intents API.


Downshift: Primitives to Build WAI-ARIA Compliant Enhanced Input React Components“You need an autocomplete/dropdown/select and you want it to be accessible. You also want it to be simple and flexible to account for your use cases.”
