#130 — March 20, 2019

Read on the Web

React Status
Your weekly React news digest, every Wednesday

Writing Resilient Components — React’s Dan Abramov continues his streak of writing serious in-depth helpful articles with this guide covering several principles to set you on the right path building solid React components.

Dan Abramov

React Component Types: A Complete Overview — Get a complete historical overview and code examples of the different types of React component (such as those built with createClass, HOCs, function components).

Robin Wieruch

Using AWS Rekognition to Analyse and Tag Uploaded Images Using Stitch — Learn how to supplement new content with information as it is inserted into the database with Reckognition and Stitch.

MongoDB sponsor

use-query-params: A React Hook for Managing State in URL Query Parameters — Encode and decode data of any type as query parameters with smart memoization to prevent creating unnecessary duplicate objects. Example code and demo.

Peter Beshai

How to Build A Real Time Logo Detection App with React Native — How to build a React Native app that performs real time logo identification using Google’s Cloud Vision API.

Aman Mittal

💻 Jobs

Full-Stack Engineer - React/Rails (NYC) — Rapidly growing healthcare startup in the addiction and sobriety space seeking talented developers to help build the future of online addiction and sobriety support.

Tempest, Inc.

Find A Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in dev roles and is completely free for job seekers.


📘 Tutorials

Refactoring a Small Next App to Use Hooks — A look at how a developer refactored a small React app to use hooks.


How to Understand a Component’s Lifecycle Methods

Anchal Nigam

See Things Better. Build Things Better — Aggregating git data into understandable reports, to help make teams more successful. Debug your development with objective data.

GitPrime sponsor

How to Use Sass and Styled Components in a React App

Tim Smith

Building Angular and React Applications Together With Nx — A look at how Nx can help you develop with multiple frameworks.

Victor Savkin

🔧 Code and Tools

react-native-really-awesome-button: A Set of 3D UI Buttons for React Native — Animated, 3D-style buttons that work at 60fps and support showing built-in progress bars.

Rafael Caferati

Storeon: A 196 Byte Event-Based Immutable State Manager for React and Preact

Andrey Sitnik

React Border Wrapper: A Wrapper for Placing Elements Along DIV Borders

Christopher Powroznik

Get a Chance to Win Lego Star Wars Tie Fighter. Take Our ~7min Survey

ActiveState sponsor

useDimensions: A React Hook to Measure DOM Nodes“This is useful when you have to align items, or respond to browser width, or … lots of reasons okay.”

Swizec Teller

Reanimated Bottom Sheet: A Configurable 'Bottom Sheet' Component for React Native — A highly configurable component that emulates native, mobile ‘bottom sheets’, built with react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler.

Michał Osadnik

react-input-color: React HSV Color Picker

Wang Zuo