#​416 — February 5, 2025

Read on the Web

Together with  Clerk
React Status

React Query - The Bad Parts Tradeoffs? — Dominik caps off a fantastic series of posts digging into React Query (and spanning years) with an annotated set of slides from a recent talk digging into frequent criticisms about the project. If you're a React Query user, you might learn a few things here.

Dominik Dorfmeister

Vite with TypeScript — If you’ve created a JavaScript-based React project with Vite and want to get on the TypeScript train, here are the basic steps.

Robin Wieruch

Building a React Login Page Template — An in-depth guild on building session-based authentication with React.

Clerk sponsor


Using Phoenix with React and InertiaPhoenix is arguably the web framework for the Erlang VM-based Elixir language.

Dimitrios Lytras

React and OpenLayers Integration: A Comprehensive Guide — Add interactive maps to your React app by integrating with the well-established OpenLayers mapping library.

Max Dietrich

Find. Fix. Test: Intro to Sentry & Codecov — Code-level visibility, from pre- to post-release, lets devs find and fix errors and slowdowns and deploy with confidence.

Sentry sponsor

📺 Create React App is Finally 'Dead' – And Theo is really excited about it. He's certainly committed to the bit, considering he posted the controversial PR to the React project two years ago asking for CRA to no longer be recommended to new users. Theo Browne

📄 Building a Semantic Movie Search Demo with pgvector and Next.js Fatih Altinok

📄 Improve Asynchronous State UX in React with useOptimisticuseOptimistic is a hook for optimistically updating the UI. Ben Zuke

📱 Using Live Activities in a React Native App – How to work with iOS Live Activities. Michael Hayes

📄 Prebuilt iOS Binaries: Reducing React Native Dev Start Time from Minutes to Seconds Mason Wolters

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

Emoji Picker: A Sweet and Simple Tailwind-Styled Emoji Picker — Pretty much ‘what it says on the tin!’ Minimally styled and easy to adapt, fast, lightweight, accessible, and everything you’d want in a simple emoji picker. Certainly faster than the macOS one.. GitHub repo.

Ferruccio Balestreri

🐝 Wasp 0.16: A Rails-Like Framework for React, Node and Prisma — A once common complaint was a lack of larger Ruby on Rails-esque opinionated frameworks for both Node and React. React has picked up various approaches like Next.js and Redwood, but Wasp, now a pretty mature project, goes all the way by calling itself ‘Rails-like’. it’s well worth a look.

Wasp, Inc.

shadcn-ui-tree-view: shadcn-ui Based Tree View — A shadcn/ui flavored tree view component with selection, folder management, and visual feedback.


📰 Classifieds

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by Lattice, Bilt Rewards, etc.

🪄 Codemagic: A great App Center alternative for React Native devs! 8x faster builds, CodePush, easy distribution. 1-month free trial!

Meet Harmony: An open source library for composing consistent and highly performant platforms from independent business features.

📢  Elsewhere in JavaScript

A quick roundup of some of other interesting stories in the broader JavaScript landscape, in case you've missed them: