#​374 — February 21, 2024

Read on the Web

Apologies if you noticed there was no newsletter last week. This was intentional, but I forgot to mention it in advance. It's the usual weekly service now until Easter at least.. :-)
Your editor, Peter Cooper

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React Status

📣 The React Team Shares What It's Been Working On — It’s been eleven months since the last update, so a lot has happened. Work on React Compiler has progressed; it now powers Instagram’s production site. We also learn that React 19 is on the way and will include some breaking changes, particularly to support things like Web Components. Some of the latest developments in React Canary are also covered. Fingers crossed for May..

The React.js Core Team

💡 If you want to learn more about what React being 'compiled' might mean for you, Brad Westfall's 'React 19 Will Be Compiled' goes into further depth.

React Trends in 2024 — Robin says that recent developments have got him “excited about React’s ecosystem again” for 2024, but where does he see things progressing? Astro, RSCs, Vercel, and Biome all make an appearance.

Robin Wieruch

Announcing Metrics for React Developers and MoreJoin Sentry Launch Week live. We’ll be announcing new error and performance monitoring improvements, showing exclusive demos, raffling swag and talking about all things developer and React, every. single. day. (For one week).

Sentry sponsor

Remix Vite Now Stable; Gets an SPA Mode — Remix is a full-stack web framework built atop React Router (full explanation) that compiles apps into both server and client-side portions that interoperate seamlessly. Support for Vite is now stable in Remix v2.7 (released yesterday), with a significant enhancement being a new SPA mode that doesn’t require a JS server in production while maintaining many of Remix’s conventions and benefits.

Mark Dalgleish and Pedro Cattori


Building a CLI App with React and Ink — Why? Why not? This isn’t a tutorial, but more a look at just how simply such an app can come together.

Nico Prananta

Google Tag Manager Consent Mode v2 in React, Gatsby and Next.js — When someone else has spent the time figuring out how to do something that’s both confusing and boring, it’s truly generous to pass the knowledge on!

Khash Sajadi

Setting Up a Monorepo using PNPM Workspaces with TypeScript and Tailwind
Emmanuel Isenah

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

react-print-pdf: A UI Kit for PDFs and Print Documents — An abstraction for building and generating PDFs using components in React and JSX. It uses Onedoc or Prince XML behind the scenes for the eventual PDF generation, so your mileage may vary.

Onedoc Labs

Redwood v7.0: The React + GraphQL App FrameworkRedwood is frequently overlooked in the field of React-based frameworks. It’s a full-stack Web framework that takes an opinionated approach, bringing together React, GraphQL, Prisma, TypeScript, and more, with a focus on building complete apps as quickly as possible. v7 includes a new observability tool called Redwood Studio, includes realtime GraphQL features, and more.

RedwoodJS Community

📰 Classifieds

🌐 Learn how you can use Cloudflare Workers, Drizzle ORM, and Neon Postgres to build a serverless API.

🍳 Omlet gives you analytics on where your components are used. Increase design system adoption and make data-driven improvements. Start for free.

React Virtuoso 4.7: Components for Rendering Enormous Data Sets — Components for virtual lists / tables that can efficiently (and lazily) work through huge data sets. Luckily the homepage has some live examples. GitHub repo.

Petyo Ivanov

React Tag Autocomplete 7.2 — A flexible, accessible tagging component that makes it easy to guide users in the right direction when entering tags. Check out the live demo to see it in action.

Matt Hinchliffe

react-document-picture-in-picture: A Component for an Experimental Web Picture-in-Picture API — While the Document Picture-in-Picture API does not yet enjoy universal browser support, here’s a chance to give it a go from React, if you’d like to see certain content ‘stay on top’. (There's a live demo.)

Martin Shaw

react-use-wizard 2.3: A Step-by-Step Wizard Builder — There are some examples on the homepage.

Jonas De Vrient

👾  And one for fun..

▶  Are You Retro Enough? A Text Adventure Engine Rebuilt in React — Posted a year ago, we only just stumbled across this fun video taking a look at yet another unusual use case for React. This is both a nice primer for the basics of text adventures (we appreciate not all of you are as old as us..) and then how the developer modelled text adventure concepts in React.

Mark Makes Stuff

💡 If you'd rather not watch a video, there's a related blog post and a GitHub repo with the code.