#173 — January 29, 2020 |
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Why Did You Render v4 Released — This tool monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders or just to let you track when and why a certain component re-renders. More info on v4 in particular. Welldone Software Solutions Ltd. |
A Simplified Jira Clone Built with React and Node — Jira is a popular issue tracking and project management system for developers and this well structured React project clones some of its functionality. A worthwhile example of a complete React project to understand and be inspired by. Live demo here. Ivor Reic |
![]() Get Best in Class Error Reporting for Your React Apps — Time is money. Software bugs waste both. Save time with Bugsnag. Automatically detect and diagnose errors impacting your users. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in minutes. Try it free. Bugsnag sponsor |
react-use-gesture v7.0: A Utility for Component-Tied Mouse and Touch Gestures — A hook to bind richer mouse and touch events to any component or view and which can be used to easily set up support for gestures, too. React Spring |
Why the TypeScript Team is using Gatsby for Its New Site — Discover why the TypeScript team uses Gatsby (the React powered site generator) and what constraints they use to make it work for their team. Orta Therox |
See the Current Core React Team — Ever wanted to put some faces to the names you see working hard on React? There’s a page for that. Squad goals right here. Or learn a bit more about Luna Ruan, the newest member of the team, in this interview. React |
💻 Jobs |
Senior Frontend-Focused Engineer in Munich — Do you love working with React, TypeScript, GraphQL, and working in a user-centred team? Then you're in for a treat. 🍪 Let's protect some businesses together. 🙌 Finanzchef24 |
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers. Vettery |
📘 Tutorials and Stories |
How to Set Up a TypeScript React Redux Project — A basic setup for using TypeScript with React and Redux. Nick Scialli |
▶ Getting Started with Styled Components — A well recorded and fast paced introduction to Styled Components and why you’d use it. If this video doesn’t sell you on the idea, nothing will :-) 10 minutes. Adrian Twarog |
PDF Viewer Made for React — A feature rich React component to view PDF documents. Powered by React hooks. Supports customization and localization. React PDF Viewer sponsor |
React with TypeScript: Best Practices JavaScript Joe |
Don't Eject: Why to Leave Your Create React App in the Disc Drive — Ejecting your Create React App-produced app has major tradeoffs. Jarek Wojciechoski |
▶ Why I'm Using Mobx with React Native in 2020 Adrian Twarog |
▶ AskFlutter: A Q+A with Jenn Creighton — React expert Jenn Creighton talks about similarities between Flutter (a Dart-powered framework for building native apps) and React, the best ways to manage global and local state, and how to avoid creating overly complex components. Flutter Interact '19 |
🔧 Code and Tools |
react-colorpickr: A Color Picker for React — Straightforward and allows complete coverage of the HSL or RGB space. Mapbox Project |
react-range: Accessible Range Input with a Slider — Accessible and customizable. Examples here. Vojtech Miksu |
material-table: A Datatable for React Based on Material-UI Table — Lots of examples to be enjoyed here. Mehmet Baran |
react-input-position: A Component That Decorates Its Children with Mouse/Touch Position Tracking — There’s a customizable demo page to show off the features. Adam Risberg |
Unlayer on GitHub sponsor |
Graphile Starter: Opinionated Quick-Start Project using React, Node, and More — A bit of a ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ starter app for full-stack development using React, Node, GraphQL, Postgres, and PostGraphile for GraphQL. Graphile |
React Webcam 5.0: A Component to Work with Webcams — Grab an image from a web cam, select a camera of your choice, etc. Moz Morris |
react-easy-crop: A Component to Crop Images with Easy Interactions ricardo.ch |