#102 — August 24, 2018

Read on the Web

react status

The React Rally conference took place last week and the videos are starting to be released. With the 'best and the brightest in the React community' speaking, there were a lot of great talks, so if you're not into videos, I apologize in advance as there are four of them in this issue. 🙂
— Peter Cooper, editor

Why I Love React Patterns So Much

▶  Simply React: Why I Love React Patterns So Much — Practical, example-driven evangelism from Kent who tells a story to justify component patterns and why he thinks you should be using them yourself.

Kent C Dodds

'I Published an iOS App with ClojureScript and React Native' — Not a particularly common stack choice at the moment, but ClojureScript has a lot of appeal if you like working with more functional languages and approaches.

Joshua Miller

🔨 JavaScript: The 'New' Hard Parts — In this new course, you'll develop an intuitive understanding of the new features of JavaScript in ES6+: iterators, generators, promises, and async/await. Go under the hood of async JS and learn to solve complex async challenges with ease.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Creating Flexible and Reusable React File Uploaders“The Event Creation team at Eventbrite needed a React based image uploader that would provide flexibility while presenting a straightforward user interface.” Here’s how they did it.

Daniel Carter (Eventbrite)

▶  Algebraic Effects, Fibers, Coroutines.. Oh My! — A talk that sheds some light on some of the more academic concepts relating to recent work on React. Really well presented and explained.

Brandon Dail (Facebook)

▶  Why React is Not (Fully) Reactive — In his first ever conference talk, a well-known React developer introduces some basic reactive concepts, digs into just how ‘reactive’ (or not) React really is, and how a fully reactive React could work.

Shawn 'swyx' Wang

💻 React Jobs

Senior Front End Engineer at External Data Systems, Netflix — Help build a world class user interface for the platform that collects data to drive business insights for our teams.


Find A React Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in dev roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


📘 Tutorials

A Brief Comparison of 4 Ways to Reduce Redux Boilerplate — redux-bits, redux-actions, reduxr, createReducerActions, and autodux are considered. Spoiler: He prefers autodux.

Shawn 'swyx' Wang

Building a Scalable React Dev Environment Around BazelBazel is a general build tool often used in more enterprise environments.

Torgeir Helgevold

Webinar: Building Modern Apps with the MERN Stack and Google Cloud Platform

MONGODB sponsor

Access Token Handling (Automatic Refresh) with React and Redux

Nicholas Major

A Q&A with React Engineering Manager Sophie Alpert — Lots of useful tidbits here including stuff about the future of Suspense, community diversity, React Native, and Facebook’s use of Flow.


▶  Route Recalculating — The final talk of the React Rally event and our final video link in today’s newsletter too. 😉

Ryan Florence

🔧 Code and Tools

React Developer Tools: Brings React Debugging Tools to Chrome's DevTools

Chrome Web Store

React Toast Notifications: A Configurable Toast Notification System — For those pop-up ‘corner of the browser’ style notifications. Live demo.

Joss Mackison

react-dropdown: A Simple Dropdown Component for React — Inspired by react-select. Demos here.

Fraser Xu

Save Weeks per Year Fixing Unseen Bugs in Your React App with Sentry — Notify only the right person based on the commit and see unminified code in the stack trace with source maps.

Sentry sponsor

React Editable JSON Tree — Basically what it says.. but the demo might help.

Havrileck Alexandre

Laco: A Lightweight State Management for React and Inferno — Written in TypeScript.

Deam Hansen

Async: A Flexible Promise-Based React Data Loader — If you’re interested in the ‘why’ behind this, here’s a full introductory article.

Gert Hengeveld