Live now

Keynote (Day 2)

Riccardo Cipolleschi


Nicola Corti


Kadi Kraman




Local time

Tap “local time” to switch to your local timezone or PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) for time zone in Henderson, Nevada where React Conf will take place.

Day 1 - May 15th

Break (30min)

Lunch (90min)

Break (30min)

React 10th Anniversary Party

5:00 PM-10:00 PM

Day 2 - May 16th

Break (30min)

Lunch (90min)

Break (30min)

Lydia Hallie

Lydia Hallie

Software Engineering Consultant

Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Life enthusiast

Lydia Hallie

Lydia Hallie

Software Engineering Consultant

Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Life enthusiast

Lydia Hallie

Lydia Hallie

Software Engineering Consultant

Michael Chan

Michael Chan

Life enthusiast

Meet the organizers

Giving people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.


Callstack unlocks a universe of possibilities for your business with the React tech stack.
