#​419 — March 5, 2025

Read on the Web

Together with  Clerk
React Status

Lynx: A Fresh Alternative to React Native? — I’m taking liberties with the headline, but Lynx is a new framework for building JavaScript-powered native apps that draws inspiration from React Native but aims to be more modular and flexible (and eventually framework agnostic). It comes from, and is used by, TikTok, and comes with its own QuickJS-based JavaScript engine.

Xuan Huang and the Lynx Team

TanStack Form v1.0: Headless, Type-Safe Form State Management — A type-safe, framework agnostic (though closely associated with React), headless and isomorphic way to create and work with forms, with this v1.0 release over two years in the making. If you already use things like Formik or React Hook Form and are wondering how it differs to those, here’s a comparison table.

Tanner Linsley

Learn How to Enrich PostHog Events with Your User Data — In this guide, you’ll learn how to associate events in PostHog directly to users of your Next.js application. User-level event data can yield insights to inform process optimization, improve user satisfaction and drive growth.

Clerk sponsor

▶  How to Fix Your Slow React App with React ScanReact Scan is a handy tool you can easily use against your React app to detect and surface performance related issues. If you haven’t been convinced to try it so far, maybe Jack Herrington’s 8-minute tour will change your mind.

Jack Herrington

React Server Actions with Toast Feedback — Robin runs through, step-by-step, how to implement toast notifications as a way to provide real-time user feedback.

Robin Wieruch

📄 Avoiding Server Component Waterfall Fetching with React 19's cache() Aurora Scharff

📄 Creating Stylized Water Effects with React Three Fiber – Beautiful! Thalles Lopes

📄 There’s No Such Thing as an Isomorphic Layout Effect Shane Friedman

📄 Why We Ditched Next.js and Never Looked Back Stewart and Snelling

📄 How to Type Zod Schemas for Forms Philip Jones

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

React Data Table: Responsive Dynamic Table Component — Simple and clean, but flexible. Includes features like column sorting and pagination out of the box. Lots of demos and code examples. GitHub repo.

John Betancur

Electron App Boilerplate App with Modern Dependencies — A basic template app that uses React 19, Tailwind CSS 4, shadcn/ui, Electron Vite, Biome, and includes a GitHub Actions release workflow.

Dalton Menezes

Tests Are Dead. Meticulous Is Here — Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort.

Meticulous sponsor

🕒 react-timer-hook: A Hook to Handle Timer, Stopwatch and Time State — Provides useTimer, useStopwatch and useTime for implementing various forms of time logic/state in components.

Amr Labib

PDFSlick 2.2: View and Interact with PDF Documents — A full-featured PDF viewer for React, Solid, Svelte and other JS apps. Built on top of PDF.js, it uses Zustand to provide a reactive store for documents. Demo.

Vancho Stojkov

📰 Classifieds

Bit - A build system framework for development of composable software. Natively to Harmony, and support Node.js, React apps (with Vite), NextJS, and modern stack.

🛠️ Self-hosting Next.js: Deploy at scale, replace Vercel features & migrate smoothly. Sign up for a live session on March 20 at 11 AM EST!

📢  Elsewhere in JavaScript

A quick roundup of some of other interesting stories in the broader JavaScript landscape, in case you've missed them:

  • TypeScript 5.8 has been released with quite a strong Node.js focus in its new features, including the --erasableSyntaxOnly flag for preventing the use of TypeScript-only features that can't be stripped out when running directly in Node.

  • If you're a JavaScript developer confused by the tooling and general DX around TypeScript, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer has put together a handy 'What is TypeScript?' overview.

  • QuickJS Sandbox provides a way to run JavaScript code safely and securely on-the-go in QuickJS-powered sandbox environments – here's a live demo.

  • free-for.dev is a handy and huge (over 1000 items) list of hosted tools and online services with free developer tiers.