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Forms with React and Redux made simple: start with the bare minimum, no magic, then use composition (components, functions, global and local states) to create more complex forms. This package has no external dependencies and will have a very little impact on your bundle (< 1.5kB gzipped).

This package is similar to react-reformed, and I encourage you to look at it and read its README.

This package contains:

  • A reducer factory
  • A higher-order component wrapping connect (from react-redux package)
  • Validation helpers

This package does not contain:

  • Components: you can easily create your own form components, for native and web
  • Event handlers and UI elements state management (focused, blurred, touched, submitted, etc...): you can choose to include them in your redux store, or simply use local state
  • Async validation of input values: use state and component composition to solve those more complex problems
  • Currently doesn't work with nested objects

Table of contents

1. Get started in no time
2. API reference
3. Build your own API

Get started in no time

1. Include your forms in your store

import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { createFormReducer } from 'react-redux-reformed';

const reducer = combineReducers({
    form: createFormReducer('myForm', { name: '' })

2. Bind your form to your store

import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import { connectForm } from 'react-redux-reformed';
import { isRequired } from 'react-redux-reformed/validate';

class MyForm extends PureComponent {
    submitHandler = (evt) => {
        // Send the model somewhere
    nameChangeHandler = (evt) => setFormField('name',;

    render() {
        const { model, modelValidity, setFormField, resetForm } = this.props;

        return (
            <form onSubmit={ this.submitHandler }>
                <input name='name' value={ } onChange={ this.nameChangeHandler } />

                <button type='submit' disabled={ !modelValidity.valid }>Submit</button>

                <button type='button' onClick={ resetForm }>Reset</button>

const formName = 'myForm';
const formSelector = (state) => state.form;
const validators = [

export default connectForm(formName, formSelector, validators)(MyForm);

And that's it, you have a basic form set up, connected to your redux store and with validation.

API reference

createFormReducer(formName: string, initialFormState: object, options: object)

A form reducer can react to 3 types of actions:

  • Reset state actions: to reset the state
  • Set state actions: to amend the current state
  • Replace state actions: to replace the current state

Set and replace work similarly to local state in React (setState, replaceState).

import { createFormReducer } from 'react-redux-reformed';

const reducer = createFormReducer(
    { name: '' },
        resetActions: [
            (action) => action.type === 'CREATE_USER_RECEIVE' && !action.error
  • formName: the form name, so the reducer knows if actions can be applied or ignored
  • initialFormState: to initialise your form
  • options: see below


  • resetActions: a list of actions which can reset your form reducer. The list can contain action types (strings) or functions of actions (returning a boolean). The last one is useful for piggy backing on other actions like successful AJAX requests (see example above).
  • mergeState: a function to merge state received in SET_FORM_STATE. By default, it performs a shallow merge.

connectForm(formName: string, formSelector: function, validators: array)

import { connectForm } from 'react-redux-reformed';
import { isRequired } from 'react-redux-reformed/validate';

const MyConnectedForm = connectForm(
    (state) => state.form
  • formName: the form name, so the actions can be created with it (and touch the right reducer)
  • formSelector: so your form can be located (connectForm has no idea where your form is otherwise)
  • validators: a list of validation functions, see validator function below

The following props will be available:

  • model: the form object stored in your redux store
  • modelValidity: if validators are supplied (optional), a validity report is added to the props
  • Action creators: setFormState, replaceFormState, setFieldState, resetFormState

A model validity looks like the following (don't call one of your fields valid):

const modelValidity = {
    valid: false,
    name: {
        valid: true,
        required: true
    email: {
        valid: false,
        require: true,
        email: false

validator(fieldName: string, validationFn: function, name: string)

import { validator } from 'react-redux-reformed';

const minLength = (fieldName, min) =>
        (val) => val && val.length >= min,
  • fieldName: the name of the field being validated
  • validationFn: a function of the field value, returning true(if valid) orfalse` (if not valid)
  • name: the validator name. Optional if validationFn is named

For reference purposes, a isRequired validator is included (but that's the only one). Don't call one of your validators valid.

Build your own API

You might want to compose selectors and actions together in your own connect HOC, have validation in a selector or in a separate higher-order component, or simply compose things together differently.


import { createModelValidator, isRequired } from 'react-redux-reformed/validate';

const validateModel = createModelValidator(isRequired('name'));

validateModel({ name: 'hello' })
// Prints:
    valid: true,
    name: {
        valid: true,
        required: true

setFormState(formName: string)(state: object)

import { SET_FORM_STATE, setFormState } from 'react-redux-reformed/actions';

Action creator for action type SET_FORM_STATE.

setFieldState(formName: string)(fieldName: string, fieldValue: any)

import { SET_FORM_STATE, setFormState } from 'react-redux-reformed/actions';

Action creator using setFormState action creator.

replaceFormState(formName: string)(state: object)

import { REPLACE_FORM_STATE, replaceFormState } from 'react-redux-reformed/actions';

Action creator for action type REPLACE_FORM_STATE.

resetFormState(formName: string)(state: object)

import { RESET_FORM_STATE, resetFormState } from 'react-redux-reformed/actions';

Action creator for action type RESET_FORM_STATE.


Forms with React and Redux made simple







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