#162 — October 30, 2019

Read on the Web

React Status
Your weekly React news digest, every Wednesday

Experimentally Introducing Concurrent Mode — Unveiled at ReactConf comes a set of much awaited, new experimental features that will help apps stay responsive and gracefully adjust to the user’s device capabilities and network speed. The React team notes, however, that “it’s very early and … primarily aimed at early adopters and people who are curious”.

React Team

A Side-by-Side Comparison of Jest, Testing Library and Cypress — A comparison of three approaches to testing React apps by using each of them against the same app.

Sunil Sandhu

React Hooks Guide: See the In-depth Tutorials with Examples — This guide serves as an exhaustive resource for learning the built-in Hooks that are now part of React. Learn all about them as we comprehensively cover: State and Effects, Context, Reducers, and Custom React Hooks. Start learning today.

Progress KendoReact sponsor

SWR: React Hooks for Remote Data Fetching — Based upon the stale-while-revalidate caching strategy, “SWR first returns the data from cache (stale), then sends the fetch request (revalidate), and finally comes with the up-to-date data again.” The result? Things will feel a lot faster UI-wise and the latest data will get used once it arrives.


▶  The Complete React Conf 2019 Live Streams — You’ll want to wait a little longer for specific talk videos, but if you’re happy to dive through hours of livestreams, day one and day two are available. If you’re itching to watch some specific talks, jump straight to Brian Vaughn’s talk on React Developer Tooling or Becca Bailey’s talk on the state of React state.


Formik 2: React Form Building, Now Built on HooksFormik is a popular helper library for working with forms in React apps. Version 2 is now out (2.0.3 to be specific) and it’s now built on top of hooks.

Jared Palmer

💻 Jobs

Software Engineer / Founding Teammate — A well funded, fast-moving startup that is changing the way large teams collaborate on documents. Think: GitHub for documentation.


Have You Tried Vettery? — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


📘 Tutorials and Stories

Why Is React Concurrent Mode Exciting? — If the news about ‘concurrent’ React featured at the top of this issue flew over your head a bit, Harry boils it down a bit more with an explanation and a 20 minute video tour.

Harry Wolff

You’re Not Using <React.StrictMode>? — The majority of React developers don’t seem to be using StrictMode, but should you be considering it? In short, yes, particularly if you plan on using concurrent React (above).

Matan Borenkraout

Test-Driven React: The Key to Joyful Coding is Faster Feedback

The Pragmatic Bookshelf sponsor

A Whirlwind Tour of React State — Developing React apps (or even apps in general) is generally a matter of managing state. Robin looks at how React handles it and provides mechanisms for you to manage state in various ways.

Robin Wieruch

Reducing Redux Boilerplate in TypeScript

Peter Kröner

Svelte vs React: Some First Impressions

Murat Catal

🔧 Code and Tools

react-beautiful-dnd 12.0: Accessible Drag and Drop for Lists — A very popular library gets a major update and now boasts 30% more performance, 40% less memory usage, and upgrades are safe for most existing users. Virtual lists are now also supporting opening the potential for working with huge lists at silky smooth speeds. README here.


Redux Starter Kit 1.0 Released — A package designed to make it easier to get started with Redux and perform common tasks.

Mark Erikson

Sell Your API-First Product to Millions of Developers — One integration to distribute your products to the fastest growing platforms on the planet.

Manifold sponsor

Downshift 3.4: Primitives to Build WAI-ARIA Compliant Enhanced Input Components“You need an autocomplete/dropdown/select and you want it to be accessible. You also want it to be simple and flexible to account for your use cases.” Now supports Preact X as well as React.


An Auto-Height Webview for React Native


Rodal: A React Modal with Animations — Things like spinning into view, sliding in, fading, zooming, flipping, etc. I’m not a fan of modals but this is nicely understated and quick.
