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Glide Data Grid 5.0.0

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@jassmith jassmith released this 05 Aug 00:23
· 203 commits to main since this release

5.0.0 Release notes

馃毃馃毃 Breaking changes and porting guide

Glide Data Grid 5.0 no longer depends on styled-components! This means the Theme for your data grid is no longer provided via the ThemeProvider API.

Mandatory CSS file

Because Glide Data Grid no longer uses a CSS-in-JS solution, the CSS must be imported by consumers. This is usually achieved by doing the following somewhere in your project source.

import "@glideapps/glide-data-grid/dist/index.css";

Your bundler will take care of packing this in with the rest of the CSS your project requires. This is tested working with both next-js and create-react-app. Examples can be found in the test-projects folder.

Theme porting

If you are not providing a custom theme to your data grid there is nothing to do. If you are using a custom theme you should replace:

return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={gridTheme}>
        <DataEditor {...myEditorProps} />


return <DataEditor theme={gridTheme} {...myEditorProps} />;

Porting custom editors

All theme variables can now be accessed as a CSS variable:

.my-editor {
    background-color: var(--gdg-bg-cell);
    color: var(--gdg-text-dark);

All variables except lineHeight are available in this manner. The full list includes


The theme can be accessed in JS by using the new useTheme hook:

import { useTheme } from "@glideapps/glide-data-grid";

const MyComponent: React.VFC = () => {
    const dataGridTheme = useTheme();

    // ...

The theme object returned from useTheme may not be identical to the passed theme object if any theme overrides are in use or the passed theme object did not contain all required keys. The 4.2.0 series has also been updated to include CSS variables. This should allow any third party library of custom editors to support both 4.2 and 5.0 at the same time provided they don't need the theme in JS.

rightElementSticky replaced with rightElementProps

Previously the rightElement of a data editor could be made sticky by doing:

<DataEditor rightElement={el} rightElementSticky={true} />

This is now done by providing a rightElementProps

        sticky: true,

鈿狅笍 Removal of deprecated API

The following previously deprecated API's are no longer present

  • drawCustomCell replaced by drawCell
  • onColumnResized replaced by onColumnResize
  • BooleanCell.allowEdit replaced by BooleanCell.readonly
  • BooleanCell.showUnchecked no replacement has been defunct for a long time

馃コ New features

  • react-virtualized-autosizer no longer used as a dependency
  • Vertical and horizontal scroll shadows now available and configurable
  • Cursor now settable per cell
  • validateCell now receives the previous cell to make validation easier.
  • Row marker header column now draws a checkbox rather than silently accepting inputs
  • drawHeader now receives the index of the drawn header
  • Value coercion can now return the desired selected range post coercion.
  • rightElementProps new API which allows for making the right element not only sticky but also grow to consume leftover space.
  • onCellsEdited is now always called prior to calling onCellEdited allowing for implementing a single edit callback.
  • isDraggable can now be set to cell or header to allow dragging on just one or the other

馃悶 Bug fixes

  • Setting gridSelection externally will keep the newly selected selection in view.
  • No longer crashes when calling getBounds with a cell that is not in the current range, and instead returns undefined.
  • Drag scrolling now significantly smoother
  • Headers now properly select with touch events
  • Headers will not emit spurious click events when completing drag operations
  • Copying in safari no longer beeps the browser
  • Trailing row options theme now applies to the trailing row even if it is not sticky
  • Many svg loading improvements
  • onCellsEdited now correctly prevents onCellEdited from being emitted when requested
  • Auto-sizing columns will no longer cause their headers to be truncated
  • Context menus can now be correctly cancelled on all operating systems, not just Windows
  • NextJS production builds no longer complain