#​363 — November 22, 2023

Read on the Web

Together with  Fusion Auth
React Status

Building Fast Next.js Apps using TypeScript and AWS Amplify JavaScript V6 — If you’ve been wondering if you can deploy modern Next.js apps anywhere other than Vercel, AWS Amplify is keen to enter the chat. Amplify is essentially a packaging up of AWS services into a platform upon which you can deploy full-stack apps and its newest JavaScript SDK offers substantial improvements, including Next.js 14 support (including App Router and Server Actions) via what they refer to as a 'Next.js adapter'.

Hanchett and Nanda (AWS)

Auth for Every App — The best frontend language deserves the best auth service. Add MFA, SSO, biometrics and advanced threat detection with just a few clicks. Put FusionAuth to work for you.

FusionAuth sponsor

Redux Toolkit 2.0 Release Candidate 0 (and Others) — Mark Erikson has unveiled a variety of initial release candidates for three projects: Redux Toolkit 2.0, Redux 5.0, and React-Redux 9.0. They feature better packaging and smaller bundle sizes, with RTK 2.0 gaining several new features, faster update perf with Immer 10, and better TS types. Final releases are expected in the next couple of weeks.

Redux Team

The Valley of Code — An ambitious project from this well-regarded author and teacher: a single place you can go to learn quickly how to do pretty much anything in your day-to-day life as a developer. Yes, there’s a React section.

Flavio Copes


Things You Forgot (or Never Knew) Because of React — This was a huge feature article a few months ago, but has had a little update. Worth a look if you missed it first time around.
Josh Collinsworth

▶  Server Actions vs tRPC, GraphQL and REST — Jack compares and contrasts a variety of mildly competing options.
Jack Herrington

Combining AI with React for a Smarter Frontend
Loraine Lawson (The New Stack)

Building a Progressive Web App in Remix
Chimezie Innocent

🛠 Code and Tools

@storybook-test: More Streamlined and Powerful Storybook Testing — @storybook/test consolidates the API of @storybook/jest and @storybook/testing-library into a new, single package, powered by Vitest.

Kasper Peulen

React Scroll Parallax: Parallax Scroll Effect Hooks — Add vertical or horizontal scrolling-based effects to elements of your choice. There’s a nifty visual demo of how it works.

J Scott Smith

Got a Problem That Could Use a Rubber Duck Session? — Here’s one better. Request a pairing session with one of our senior devs. We’ll get you moving in the right direction.

Test Double sponsor

Typist 2.2: Tiptap-Based Rich Text Editor Component — Simple and opinionated. You can try the examples in the sidebar. Well suited for basic rich text situations like writing comments or messages and also has a single-line mode.


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